How To Stop Pulling Out Eyelashes?


an image depicting empathy and understanding, symbolizing the journey to overcome the habit of pulling out eyelashes.
A serene depiction of healthy eyelashes, symbolizing the journey to stop pulling them out and promoting self-care for optimal eyelash health.
A serene depiction of healthy eyelashes, symbolizing the journey to stop pulling them out and promoting self-care for optimal eyelash health.

How to stop pulling out eyelashes is a deeply personal endeavor. As someone who has faced the subtle yet persistent challenge of eyelash pulling, I understand the importance of finding effective strategies. In this exploration, I aim to share insights and techniques that go beyond the conventional approaches, adding a touch of authenticity to the discussion.

The Power of Distraction:

Let’s delve into a holistic approach that extends beyond merely addressing the physical act of pulling. Squeeze a stress ball, a tangible outlet for the tension residing within. Form a connection between your emotions and the rhythmic tightening of the muscles in your arm. It’s more than a physical act—it’s a mindful engagement, a deliberate effort to redirect the energy that fuels the urge.

Embracing Novel Alternatives:

Wear a bandana or a snug-fitting hat, like a comforting embrace for your thoughts. Transform the act of donning a beanie into a shield against the impulse to pull. This is not just about concealing; it’s about creating a visual barrier that disrupts the habitual pattern. The outer transformation mirrors the inner shift in mindset.

The Art of Repetition:

When the urge to pull asserts itself, challenge it with a mantra. Come up with a saying that resonates with your journey, a phrase that becomes a protective shield. Repeat it out loud, infusing strength into the words. This auditory reinforcement is more than a repetition; it’s a declaration, a commitment to overcoming the compulsion as the urge passes.

Crafting Mental Fortitude:

Beyond the tangible strategies lies the realm of mental fortitude. Visualize a positive image of yourself without succumbing to the pulling temptation. Create a mental barrier using the image of false lashes, a symbol of the unyielding resolve to break free from this habit. Seek professional help, acknowledging the strength in vulnerability.

Nurturing a Mindful Lifestyle:

Implementing relaxation techniques becomes crucial in this transformative journey. Keep your hands busy with activities like journaling, fostering a mindful awareness that extends beyond the urge to pull. Identify triggers and consciously avoid touching your face, instilling a sense of mindfulness that becomes a shield against the pulling impulse.

Do You Know That
It’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice. Strategies may include therapy, behavior modification techniques, and sometimes medications. Finding healthier coping mechanisms and addressing underlying stressors could also be beneficial.

Pulling Out Eyelashes:

an image depicting empathy and understanding, symbolizing the journey to overcome the habit of pulling out eyelashes.
an image depicting empathy and understanding, symbolizing the journey to overcome the habit of pulling out eyelashes.

Understanding the Struggle:

Embarking on the journey of addressing the habit of pulling out eyelashes requires a deep understanding of the struggle. Many individuals face this challenge, and the reasons behind it can be diverse—ranging from stress and anxiety to a subconscious response. Recognizing the complexity of this habit is the first step toward finding effective solutions.

The Physical and Emotional Impact:

The act of pulling out eyelashes goes beyond the physical consequences; it has a profound emotional impact. It becomes a repetitive behavior that often serves as a coping mechanism, providing temporary relief from internal pressures. Delving into the dual nature of this habit is crucial in formulating strategies that address both the physical and emotional dimensions.

Wondering about the art of trimming lashes? Explore our step-by-step tutorial on how to trim your eyelashes for a polished and well-maintained look

Coping Mechanisms:

To truly understand how to overcome the compulsion of eyelash pulling, it’s essential to explore various coping mechanisms. From squeezing a stress ball to forming a ball with your fist and tightening the muscles in that arm, these actions serve as outlets for the underlying tension. Unveiling these coping mechanisms opens up a spectrum of possibilities for individuals seeking relief.

Creative Alternatives and Distractions:

In the pursuit of halting eyelash pulling, exploring creative alternatives becomes key. Wearing a bandana or a snug-fitting hat, such as a beanie, can be a visually transformative step. Additionally, coming up with a personal saying and repeating it out loud acts as a creative distraction, breaking the cycle of the urge to pull and offering a moment of reprieve.

Seeking Professional Guidance:

While personal strategies are valuable, seeking professional help is critical to the journey. Consulting with a healthcare professional or therapist can provide tailored insights into the root causes of eyelash pulling and offer targeted interventions. This collaborative approach combines personal efforts with expert guidance for a comprehensive strategy.

Building a Resilient Mindset:

Beyond the immediate actions to curb eyelash pulling, building a resilient mindset is essential. Identifying triggers, practicing mindfulness, and finding alternative activities contribute to a holistic approach. This proactive stance not only addresses the current challenge but also sets the foundation for long-term success in overcoming the habit of pulling out eyelashes.

Benefits of Stopping Eyelash Pulling
Improved physical appearance
Enhanced self-esteem and confidence
Prevention of potential eye infections
Reduced risk of eyelash and eye damage
Better overall eye health
Elimination of social embarrassment

Symptoms of Pulling Out Eyelashes:

Emotional portrayal of eyelash pulling, depicting distress and concealment, highlighting the psychological and physical symptoms associated with the habit.
Emotional portrayal of eyelash pulling, depicting distress and concealment, highlighting the psychological and physical symptoms associated with the habit.

Sparse Eyelashes: 

Individuals experiencing eyelash pulling often exhibit sparse lash growth due to the repeated act of pulling out their eyelashes. This results in noticeable thinning and gaps in the lash line.

Visible Bald Patches: 

The compulsive tugging can lead to distinct bald patches on the eyelids, where eyelashes have been consistently pulled out. These bald spots are a clear visual indicator of the habit.

Compulsive Tugging Behavior: 

A hallmark symptom involves the repetitive and compulsive behavior of tugging or pulling out one’s eyelashes. This action may provide temporary relief but contributes to the overall detriment of lash health.

Irritation and Redness: 

Continuous pulling can irritate the delicate skin around the eyelash follicles, leading to redness and inflammation. This symptom is a result of the physical trauma inflicted on the eye area.

Increased Sensitivity: 

The eyelid area may become more sensitive due to the repeated pulling. Both physical and emotional sensitivity may arise, adding to the discomfort associated with the behavior.

Feelings of Guilt or Shame: 

Individuals grappling with eyelash pulling often experience emotional distress, including feelings of guilt or shame related to their inability to control the impulse. This emotional toll is a significant symptom.

Preoccupation with Eyelashes: 

A psychological symptom involves a heightened preoccupation or obsessive focus on the appearance and condition of one’s eyelashes. This fixation can contribute to the cycle of pulling.

Attempts to Hide the Habit: 

Those with eyelash-pulling tendencies may go to great lengths to conceal the evidence of their habit. This can include using makeup to mask the effects or resorting to accessories like sunglasses for camouflage.

Increased Anxiety Before Pulling: 

Anxiety often precedes the act of pulling, creating a pattern where individuals experience a buildup of tension before giving in to the compulsion. Anticipatory anxiety is a notable symptom.

Difficulty Stopping the Behavior: 

Despite awareness of the negative consequences, individuals find it challenging to stop the behavior. This difficulty in breaking the cycle highlights the compulsive and addictive nature of eyelash-pulling.

Eager to see your lashes flourish in just three days? Discover natural tips and tricks to encourage rapid eyelash growth in our quick guide

Causes of Pulling Out Eyelashes:

Psychological Triggers:

 One prominent cause lies in psychological triggers such as stress, anxiety, or even boredom. For many individuals, the act of pulling becomes a coping mechanism—an attempt to manage overwhelming emotions. Identifying and addressing these underlying psychological triggers is a key step in breaking the cycle.

Habitual Responses:

The behavior of pulling out eyelashes can develop as a habitual response to certain situations or emotions. It may start as a seemingly innocuous action but evolves into a repetitive habit over time. Breaking this ingrained pattern requires a comprehensive understanding of the specific triggers that reinforce the behavior.

Sensory Satisfaction:

The tactile sensation of pulling out eyelashes can provide sensory satisfaction that temporarily alleviates emotional distress. This aspect of the behavior creates a complex interplay between physical sensations and emotional well-being. Exploring alternative sensory outlets can be instrumental in addressing this cause.

Lack of Awareness:

Sometimes, individuals may engage in eyelash pulling without full awareness of the behavior. It may manifest as a subconscious response to stress or anxiety. Bringing awareness to the habit and its triggers is a crucial step in initiating behavioral changes.

Coping with Trauma

Experiencing trauma, whether recent or past, can be a contributing factor. Eyelash pulling may serve as a way to cope with unresolved trauma or as a form of self-soothing. In such cases, a holistic approach that addresses both the trauma and the coping mechanism is essential for sustainable recovery.

Underlying Mental Health Conditions

Certain mental health conditions, such as trichotillomania—a specific hair-pulling disorder—can contribute to eyelash pulling. Understanding the presence of underlying mental health conditions is vital for tailoring interventions and seeking professional guidance.

Interesting Facts
An interesting fact about stopping the habit of pulling out eyelashes is that some people find success by using replacement behaviors. Instead of pulling, they might engage in activities like squeezing a stress ball, doodling, or playing with a fidget toy to redirect the urge.

How to Treat Pulling Out Eyelashes?

Holistic treatment for eyelash pulling, combining therapy, behavioral strategies, self-care, and support systems in a visually appealing representation
Holistic treatment for eyelash pulling, combining therapy, behavioral strategies, self-care, and support systems in a visually appealing representation.

Professional Guidance:

Therapeutic Intervention: 

Seek the expertise of a mental health professional, such as a psychologist or psychiatrist, for targeted therapeutic interventions. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has shown effectiveness in addressing the underlying causes of eyelash pulling.


In some cases, prescribed medications, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), may be recommended to manage underlying mental health conditions contributing to the behavior.

Behavioral Strategies:

Habit Reversal Training (HRT): 

Engage in HRT, a behavioral therapy specifically designed to address repetitive behaviors like pulling. This involves identifying triggers, learning alternative responses, and implementing strategies to break the habit.

Mindfulness Techniques: 

Incorporate mindfulness practices to increase awareness of the impulse to pull and promote non-judgmental acceptance. Mindfulness-based interventions, such as meditation, can enhance self-regulation.

Lifestyle Modifications:

Alternative Outlets: Channel the need for sensory satisfaction into alternative outlets, such as using stress balls, fidget toys, or engaging in activities that provide tactile stimulation without causing harm.

Healthy Coping Mechanisms: 

Develop healthier coping mechanisms for stress and anxiety, such as regular exercise, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in hobbies that promote relaxation.

Environmental Changes:

Remove Triggers: Identify and remove environmental triggers that contribute to the urge to pull. This may involve restructuring surroundings to minimize stressors and create a supportive space.

Visual Cues: 

Utilize visual cues to deter pulling, such as placing reminders or positive affirmations in areas where the behavior commonly occurs. This serves as a constant reinforcement for change.

Self-Care Practices

Eye Care Routine: 

Establish a nurturing eye care routine that includes gentle cleansing and moisturizing. Focusing on the health and appearance of eyelashes can foster a positive relationship with this area.

Reward System: 

Implement a reward system for refraining from pulling. Celebrate small victories and milestones, reinforcing the commitment to breaking the habit.

Support Systems:

Peer Support: 

Connect with support groups or individuals who share similar experiences. Sharing challenges and successes with others facing eyelash-pulling can provide encouragement and understanding.

Educational Resources: 

Stay informed about the condition and available treatments through reputable educational resources. Knowledge empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their treatment journey.

Implementing a comprehensive approach that combines professional guidance, behavioral strategies, lifestyle modifications, environmental changes, self-care practices, and support systems enhances the effectiveness of treating eyelash pulling. Each person’s treatment plan should be tailored to their unique needs and circumstances.

DefinitionTrichotillomania is a mental health disorder characterized by the recurrent urge to pull out one’s hair, including eyelashes.
Prevalenceis Commonly observed in children, adolescents, and adults.
Diagnostic CriteriaDiagnosis involves meeting specific criteria outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).
Treatment OptionsTherapeutic approaches may include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), habit reversal training, and, in some cases, medications.
Support and UnderstandingSupport from mental health professionals, friends, and family is crucial for individuals dealing with trichotillomania.
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Complications Associated With Pulling Out Eyelashes:

Physical Consequences:

The act of pulling out eyelashes extends beyond the immediate visual impact, leading to various physical consequences. Persistent pulling can result in damage to the hair follicles, potentially affecting the regrowth of lashes. Additionally, the delicate skin surrounding the eyes may experience irritation, redness, or even infection due to the repeated trauma.

Impact on Eye Health:

The eyelashes play a crucial role in protecting the eyes from dust, debris, and foreign particles. Continuous eyelash pulling compromises this natural defense mechanism, increasing the risk of eye infections and discomfort. The absence of lashes may also contribute to dry eyes and heightened sensitivity to light.

Emotional Toll:

The visible effects of eyelash pulling can take a toll on one’s emotional well-being. Individuals may experience heightened self-consciousness, leading to feelings of embarrassment or shame. This emotional burden can further exacerbate the urge to pull, creating a cyclical pattern of distress.

Social Challenges:

Complications associated with eyelash pulling extend beyond personal well-being to social interactions. The noticeable absence of eyelashes may draw unwanted attention, potentially impacting one’s confidence in social settings. Addressing these social challenges becomes integral to the overall well-being of individuals dealing with this behavior.

Risk of Infection:

Repeatedly pulling out eyelashes can create openings in the skin, increasing the vulnerability to infections. The introduction of bacteria or other pathogens into these openings poses a risk of localized infections, requiring attention to both the pulling behavior and the resulting skin conditions.

Implications for Mental Health:

The persistent nature of eyelash pulling often indicates underlying psychological challenges. Complications may arise in the form of heightened stress, anxiety, or even depression. Recognizing the interconnectedness of mental health and eyelash pulling is crucial for developing holistic interventions that address both the behavioral and emotional aspects.

Tests to Diagnose Pulling Out Eyelashes

Clinical Evaluation: 

A comprehensive clinical evaluation by a healthcare professional is the primary method for diagnosing eyelash pulling. This involves a detailed examination of the individual’s medical history, behaviors, and symptoms.

Psychiatric Assessment: 

Mental health professionals, such as psychologists or psychiatrists, may conduct psychiatric assessments to explore potential underlying causes contributing to the eyelash-pulling behavior. This evaluation includes discussions about emotions, stressors, and coping mechanisms.

Diagnostic Criteria: 

The diagnosis of eyelash pulling may align with established diagnostic criteria, such as those outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Meeting specific criteria helps in categorizing the behavior within the context of a recognized mental health condition.

Patient Self-Reporting: 

Individuals may play a pivotal role in the diagnostic process by self-reporting their symptoms, experiences, and challenges related to eyelash pulling. Open and honest communication with healthcare providers aids in accurate diagnosis.

Observational Assessments: 

Healthcare professionals may conduct observational assessments to witness the eyelash-pulling behavior firsthand. This allows for a more detailed understanding of the frequency, intensity, and context of the pulling episodes.

Collaboration Between Specialists: 

Diagnosing eyelash pulling often involves collaboration between different specialists, including dermatologists, ophthalmologists, and mental health professionals. This interdisciplinary approach ensures a comprehensive understanding of the condition.

Rule Out Other Causes: 

Healthcare providers may perform tests to rule out other potential causes for eyelash loss, such as infections, allergies, or autoimmune conditions. This process helps in narrowing down the specific diagnosis.

Psychological Testing: 

Psychometric assessments and psychological testing may be employed to gain insights into the individual’s mental health, personality traits, and emotional well-being. These tests contribute to a more holistic understanding of the factors influencing eyelash pulling.

Structured Interviews: 

Structured interviews, conducted by mental health professionals, aim to gather detailed information about the individual’s history, behaviors, and emotional experiences. These interviews aid in formulating a comprehensive diagnosis.

Longitudinal Assessment: 

Continuous and longitudinal assessment may be necessary to track the progression of eyelash pulling and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions over time. Regular follow-ups contribute to a more nuanced understanding of the condition.

Did You Know That:
Recovery is possible with appropriate treatment, self-awareness, and the development of healthier coping mechanisms.


A symbolic image representing the journey to overcome eyelash-pulling, blending resilience, self-care, and confidence.
A symbolic image representing the journey to overcome eyelash-pulling, blending resilience, self-care, and confidence.

In conclusion, overcoming the challenge of pulling out eyelashes involves a multifaceted approach that addresses both the physical act and the underlying emotional triggers. The strategies shared, from engaging in habit reversal training and seeking professional guidance to embracing mindfulness techniques, collectively form a comprehensive toolkit for individuals on this journey. It is crucial to recognize that breaking this habit requires patience, self-compassion, and a commitment to personal growth. By integrating these diverse strategies into a tailored plan, individuals can regain control over their impulses and cultivate a positive relationship with their eyelashes.

The path to stopping eyelash-pulling is as unique as the individuals undertaking it, and success lies in the resilience to learn from setbacks, celebrate victories, and foster a supportive environment. Through a blend of self-care practices, behavioral interventions, and a recognition of the interconnectedness between physical and emotional well-being, individuals can embark on a transformative journey toward healthier habits and a renewed sense of confidence.


Why do I keep pulling out my eyelashes?

The repetitive act of pulling out your eyelashes, known as trichotillomania, can be attributed to various psychological factors. Stress, anxiety, boredom, or a subconscious response to emotional challenges are common triggers for this compulsive behavior. Identifying and addressing these underlying issues, perhaps through therapy or counseling, is crucial in breaking the cycle of eyelash pulling.

Do lashes grow back if pulled out?

Yes, eyelashes do have the potential to grow back even if they are pulled out. The hair follicles in the eyelids are capable of regeneration, allowing for the emergence of new lashes. However, the regrowth process varies among individuals, and consistent pulling may lead to long-term damage, affecting the speed and thickness of regrowth. Seeking professional help is advisable for a better understanding of the habit and effective management.

Do eyelashes grow back after trichotillomania?

In the context of trichotillomania, a mental health condition characterized by the compulsive urge to pull out hair, including eyelashes, regrowth is indeed possible. Treatment approaches, such as therapy and behavioral interventions, aim to address the root causes of trichotillomania, leading to improved control over the impulse to pull and facilitating the regrowth of eyelashes over time.

Why do my eyelashes come out when I pull them?

Eyelashes come out when pulled due to the physical trauma inflicted on the hair follicles. Persistent pulling weakens the follicles, leading to hair loss. Identifying the reasons behind the pulling and adopting healthier coping mechanisms are crucial steps to prevent further damage and encourage the regrowth of eyelashes. Seeking professional guidance is key to developing effective strategies for managing and overcoming this compulsive behavior.

What are the symptoms of trichotillomania?

Trichotillomania is characterized by several distinctive symptoms. The first symptom involves compulsive hair-pulling, a repetitive behavior driven by an irresistible urge often triggered by stress or tension. This behavior extends to various areas, including the scalp, eyebrows, and eyelids, resulting in noticeable hair loss. Another symptom manifests as the presence of bald patches, which become evident in areas where the hair has been repeatedly pulled out. These patches serve as visible indicators of compulsive pulling behavior.

How do you make your eyelashes grow back after trichotillomania?

Addressing trichotillomania and promoting the regrowth of eyelashes involves a multifaceted approach. Seeking professional help is paramount, with therapy, particularly cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), proving effective in addressing the root causes of the condition. Identifying triggers that lead to hair-pulling episodes is essential, enabling individuals to develop healthier coping mechanisms, such as stress reduction techniques and mindfulness practices. Establishing a self-care routine that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep supports the body’s natural ability to regenerate hair. Additionally, individuals may consider topical treatments like eyelash serums or oils containing nourishing ingredients to promote eyelash growth and strengthen hair follicles.

What causes the urge to pull out eyelashes, and how can I identify my triggers?

The urge to pull out eyelashes, known as trichotillomania, can be triggered by various factors, including stress, anxiety, boredom, or even subconscious responses to emotions. Identifying personal triggers involves self-reflection and observation. Keeping a journal to track when and why the pulling occurs can help uncover patterns and underlying emotional stressors.

Is seeking professional help necessary, and what type of professionals can assist in stopping eyelash pulling?

Seeking professional help is highly recommended, especially if the habit persists or significantly impacts daily life. Mental health professionals, such as psychologists or therapists, can provide therapeutic interventions, including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), to address the root causes of trichotillomania. Dermatologists may also offer insights into the physical aspects of eyelash health.

Are there specific techniques or therapies to stop the urge to pull out eyelashes?

Yes, various techniques and therapies can be effective. Habit reversal training (HRT) is a behavioral therapy designed to replace the pulling habit with alternative behaviors. CBT helps individuals understand and manage the triggers leading to eyelash pulling. Mindfulness techniques and relaxation exercises are also beneficial in redirecting attention away from the urge to pull.

How can I make my eyelashes grow back after years of pulling?

Regrowing eyelashes after years of pulling requires patience and a multifaceted approach. Developing healthier coping mechanisms, seeking professional guidance, and implementing self-care practices contribute to breaking the cycle. Additionally, using topical treatments like eyelash serums or oils containing nourishing ingredients can support regrowth by strengthening hair follicles.

What lifestyle changes can I make to prevent eyelash pulling?

Lifestyle changes play a crucial role in preventing eyelash pulling. Establishing a routine that includes stress-reducing activities, regular exercise, and adequate sleep promotes overall well-being. Identifying and avoiding triggers, incorporating relaxation techniques into daily life, and engaging in alternative activities during high-risk situations contribute to breaking the habit.

Can support groups or online communities help in the journey to stop pulling out eyelashes?

Yes, support groups and online communities provide valuable support and understanding. Connecting with others who share similar experiences offers a sense of community and encouragement. Sharing challenges, successes, and coping strategies fosters a supportive environment, reducing feelings of isolation and enhancing the overall journey to stop pulling out eyelashes.

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